What’s The Regional Program?

The Regional Program enabled families living in regional and remote areas of Australia were able to contribute to our study into the causes of type 1 diabetes in early life. Before its the launch in 2016, almost a third of the country’s population were unable to access the ENDIA study, because they lived too far away from participating hospitals.

“Involving families from country areas right across Australia is critically important to our findings because we know there are many differences between regional and urban environments. The data and samples provided by rural and regional participants will contribute invaluable information, helping us to find out what causes type 1 diabetes.” Prof. Jenny Couper

ENDIA’s Regional Participant Program involves collecting their own samples at home, or with the help of their local health care professional. Samples are sent via a courier to the ENDIA lab in Adelaide.

This is all facilitated and coordinated by ENDIA’s Regional Participation Nurse, Sarah. To meet and hear more from Sarah, here’s a short video.

First family to join the ENDIA study Regional Participation Program

Kelly and Ryan and their son Heath – from Berri, South Australia – were the first family to take part in the ENDIA study Regional Participation Program.

Ryan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2015, at 26 years of age.

“Participating in the ENDIA study through the Regional Participation Program has been straightforward and easy,” said mum Kelly.

“With our second child on the way, we are glad to help further knowledge of type 1 diabetes – not just for people diagnosed but also their families. Knowledge is power and the more we have the closer we might be to prevention.”

Bree with her samples all boxed up
ENDIA's Regional Program Nurse, Sarah